Letter to Alex Sanders about taped editions of his works, document 1648

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    Handwritten letter concerning the production of tape cassette editions of Alex Sanders’ Exposition of the Wicca, Rites and Ceremonies of the Wicca, and others


    Dear Alex [magical signs],

    Greetings from across the Great Waters.

    It has been almost a full year since Gypsy [signs] and I met with you for the first time at St. Leonard’s. It’s a bit difficult to objectively evaluate our spiritual (and financial) progress since that time. We are continuing our efforts to cleasn [sic], to grow and to work, but there are many important (and unusual) projects competing for attention and it’s so easy to get side-tracked. When I next speak to you on the phone, I’ll go into more detail. Sorry about the time-lag between my words and my deeds. Gypsy [signs] and I are in the final stages of packaging for sale ‘Exposition of the Wicca’ and ‘Rites and Ceremonies’, which will make at least their initial appearance as a boxed set of 2 cassettes with cover art and printed transcripts included. We’re sending along a copy of the cover art by Abraxas [pentagram], which will hopefully meet with your approval.

    Accompanying this letter will be found another copyright form for you to sign, this time to protect the written transcripts as well as the sound recording format. You’ll also find £110 to expedite the shipment of the next 2 tapes (‘Mother Matrix’ and the continuation of [T]he Book of Shadows), £15 each in advance as agreed. Hopefully another £30 will cover the postage, xeroxing fees and insurance to ensure the safe delivery of The Book of the Planets which I now anxiously await and promise to safeguard. I hope that the balance will prove to be useful or pleasurable to you.

    My emotions as I write this letter are somewhat confused. I received the news last night that a friend and associate of mine has passed away in a rather untimely fashion. I pray that his passage leaves him free of pain and sorrow and I’m doing some soul-searching about my own life and how to utilize it more usefully.

    I’m hoping that the summer has brought with it improvements in your health. So mote it be! [pentagram]