Notes from Alex Sanders’ trance visions.” Manuscript. 1982-1985?

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    Handwritten notes taken of Alex Sanders’ in trance

    Handwritten notes, possibly by Derek Taylor (?), recording Alex Sanders’ trance visions. (1982-1985?)


    How to cite:


    Derek Taylor (?), “[Notes from Alex Sanders’ trance visions].” Manuscript. 1982-1985? Alexandrian Witchcraft Timeline & Archive.


    Fanheur [?]

    Lord Pan I have connected [?] to make a clear pathway from [word crossed out] will

    will work

    Scriptoruum [sic]. Please may I leave now.

    My [na]me is B I am here with you

    My name Hebrew [?] Malage [?]

    Prepare a space

    Prepare a way for the Lord Go[d]

    The power shall not overcome me

    Fists clenched. [A]rms [?] wide. Then God P[…] it over [l]eft. – Fists drawn [?] apart. Fists to centre [?] as [k]neels. Left. Stands[.] They shall not overcome me[.] Stands. Arms stiff – Body stiff. Now [b]acks [?] to altar. Fists still clenched. M[…][.] Fists[,] arms. Lift[s] up two fingers of hand […]. Put[s] […]git between fingers [?] [o]f left[.] Who will take Thr[…] <of> blood[?][?] The contract is made[.] I am Varsogo [?]. Blood. 7 years. I will serve Lilith & Lord Tana 7 years.