Anonymous, “Vernal Equinox.” Page 4 of undated typescript of poem from Book of Shadows Document – 1400

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    Typescript of a poem for the Vernal Equinox, “See my longing eyes behold her,” from a Book of Shadows. Undated.


    How to cite:


    Anonymous, “Vernal Equinox.” Typescript of poem from Book of Shadows. Date unknown. Alexandrian Witchcraft Timeline & Archive.



    See my longing eyes behold Her,

    She has come and I am blessed.

    Never maiden met a wooer

    With a love surpassing mine.

    What a winsome dainty creature

    Is my sweet and charming one

    See, she dresses Her fair tresses

    With the golden shafts of Sun.

    See how gaily She is wreathing

    Green, with white and purple bloom,

    Till me heart beats hard with breathing

    Such a sweet and fresh perfume.

    Hark, She speaks, soft winds are coming

    Rich and varied music floats

    Now below in brooklets humming

    Then above the woodlarks notes.

    She bids the buds to come right open

    Fairies dance in flowered ring

    Coven use the woodland glen

    When my Goddess is called Spring.